In the Polish Constitution, freedom does not have a status equivalent to the principle of dignity. However, freedom is genetically linked to dignity. Two fundamental consequences follow from the above. Firstly, the protection of dignity requires that a person is guaranteed the right to freedom, understood as the freedom to act according to one’s own will. Secondly, freedom may be subject to limitations. Still, these may not be introduced arbitrarily but only under a procedure and principles set out in the Polish Constitution. Freedom is also subject to harmonisation with other constitutional principles and values of higher or equivalent rank. Freedom and the resulting subjective right entail the right to freedom within the limits set by law. The sanctioning of freedom and the related subjective right significantly limits public authorities in action, especially the legislature and the executive. Under the COVID-19 pandemic, it became necessary to confront the scope of protection of two conflicting values: human freedom and the duty of public authorities to ensure health protection and prevent epidemic diseases. This article demonstrates that, as the law currently stands, adequate alignment of these two tasks is not possible. An appropriate constitutional amendment is required.
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