Pathologies and kitsch in the workplace - theoretical perspective
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work addiction


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Ciupka, S. (2020) „Pathologies and kitsch in the workplace - theoretical perspective”, Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Finansów i Prawa w Bielsku-Białej. Bielsko-Biała, PL, 24(1), s. 26–30. doi: 10.5604/01.3001.0014.1347.


In this article we would like to touch upon the problem of reprehensible practices, pathologies that are present in many economic organizations today. We would like to consider how much unethical behavior should be largely attributed to employees, and how much it is associated with external cultural, organizational and situational factors. With this perspective, the author wants to associate pathologies in the workplace with the rich in associations, synonymous with the word kitsch, which can also be applied to economic and business issues. It is worth emphasizing that kitsch and pathology seem to permeate, and maybe even one of them can result from another. This is a paradox that the author wants to address in this article. The proper tracking of the activities of organizations by their management is the basic form of preventing pathologies in the organization. It is also associated with a significant impact on the economy, because the effectiveness of work is closely related to the problems of anxiety or embarrassment in the workplace. Some researchers may conclude that kitsch, pathology and frustration that leads to professional burnout can often be related to workaholism or even law violations in specific companies. This article is based on the method of critical analysis of literature and the method of deduction in observing behavior in organizations.
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Artykuły opublikowane w Zeszytach Naukowych Wyższej Szkoły Finansów i Prawa w Bielsku-Białej (tytuł równoległy: Scientific Journal czy Bielsko-Biała Szkoła Finansów i Prawa) są bezpłatne i udostępniane w trybie online (licencja Creative Commons Attribution CC-BY-NC 4.0). Wydawca nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za dostarczony materiał graficzny. Wersja drukowana to oryginalna wersja wydanego czasopisma. Odpowiedzialność za treść spoczywa na autorach, a nie na czasopiśmie.

