The article outlines the problem of deforestation and its relationship with national security. Deforestation is one of the aspects of environmental security. In the first decades of the 21th century, the problem of deforestation is one of the most serious threats to humanity. The threats it entails occur on a regional, national and global scale. Deforestation is a very serious threat to national security. Acquisition of forest land, timber, mining or mineral resources, the development of communication network and industry are the most important anthropogenic factors of deforestation. Desertification, soil degradation, imbalance of the circulation of oxygen and CO2 are the effects of deforestation for national security. Forests have a significant impact on safety by cleaning the air, carbon storage, water filtering, and flood and erosion reduction. One of the most important measures to reduce the risk of deforestation is proforestation. In matters related to national security, it should occupy a special place
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