The article focuses on research questions regarding the factors contributing to the growth of terrorism, the most common forms and tactics of terrorism, and the effects on the security of European Union member states. The authors postulate that effective counteracting terrorism requires an integrated approach covering military, social, educational, and technological aspects. In the context of a changing security landscape, the European Union faces a growing terrorist threat. The article highlights various forms of contemporary threats, such as Islamic terrorism, right-wing and left-wing extremism, as well as cyberterrorism. Analyzing these threats, especially groups such as ISIS and Al-Qaeda, is crucial to developing effective security strategies. The authors note that terrorist attacks affect not only public security, but also the economy, society, and social structures. They point to the need to assess the consequences of these attacks to identify areas requiring urgent action and adapt preventive measures. International cooperation, security services activities, counter-extremism policies and innovative technologies are key areas of concentrated activities. To sum up, the article analyzes contemporary terrorist threats in Europe, focusing on their various forms and consequences. It points to the need for effective countermeasure strategies covering a wide range of activities and international cooperation
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Copyright (c) 2024 Katarzyna Cyrkun, Karolina Nastaj-Sałek, Zbigniew Małodobry, Sławomir Mazur, Piotr Pindel