The article analyzes rapid technological changes and the dynamically evolving geopolitical environment, emphasizing the need to adapt the strategies and operational structures of modern armed forces. The use of modern weapon systems, such as artificial intelligence, drones, robotics, cyber systems and advanced sensors, is becoming a key element of military effectiveness in the 21st century. The authors point out the challenges related to the integration of these technologies, which require a comprehensive approach covering technical, operational and strategic aspects. It is also important to take into account interoperability and the ethical and legal aspects of the use of autonomous weapon systems. Cybersecurity and effective management of financial resources and cooperation with the private sector and international partners are key to success. Ultimately, the ability to quickly adapt and be flexible, investments in human capital and a comprehensive approach to technology integration are necessary to ensure the safety and effectiveness of armed forces operations in a dynamically changing world.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Katarzyna Cyrkun, Zbigniew Małodobry, Karolina Nastaj-Sałek, Henryk Noga