The paper explores activities undertaken by the Senate of the Republic of Poland in the early stages of full-scale armed Russian aggression on Ukraine. The activities of the Senate are analysed from a number of angles. Political positions and viewpoints expressed by the Senate as a whole are examined. Secondly, the participation of the Senate in the legislative procedure regarding help offered to Ukraine and Ukrainian citizens is discussed. Thirdly, the bilateral relations between the Polish Senate and the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine are scrutinized and fourthly, individual activities of Tomasz Grodzki, the Marshal of the Senate, are looked upon. The Senate as a whole as well as its individual members showed a considerable level of commitment to the Ukrainian cause, however, the efficiency of undertaken steps was significantly hindered by the unequal position of the Senate against the Sejm and by the political conflict stirred by the fact that it is the opposition that enjoys the majority in the upper house of Polish parliament. Despite these unfavourable conditions, time and again, the efforts of the members of the Senate brought the expected results and considerably contributed to the shape of relevant legislation and to the development of Polish-Ukrainian relations.
Declaration of 12th Parliamentary Assembly of the Sejm and Senate of the Republic of Poland, the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania and the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of 7 December 2022, PDF file.
Resolution of the Senate of the Republic of Poland of 4 February 2022 on supporting Ukraine, https://www.infor.pl/akt-prawny/MPO.2022.306.0001043,uchwala-senatu-rzeczypospolitej-polskiej-o-uznaniu-wladz-federacji-rosyjskiej-za-rezim-terrorystyczny.htmlMonitor Polski (Official Gazette of the Government of the Republic of Poland) 2022, item 161.
Resolution of the Senate of the Republic of Poland of 9 March 2022 on European aspirations of Ukraine, Monitor Polski (Official Gazette of the Government of the Republic of Poland) 2022, item 333.
Resolution of the Senate of the Republic of Poland of 12 March 2022 on the act on helping Ukrainian citizens with respect to armed conflict in their country, PDF file.
Resolution of the Senate of the Republic of Poland of 12 April 2022 on bringing to Parliament the act on not punishing volunteers fighting for freedom and independence of Ukraine, PDF file.
Resolution of the Senate of the Republic of Poland of 26 October 2022 on recognizing the authorities of the Russian Federation as a terrorist regime, Monitor Polski (Official Gazette of the Government of the Republic of Poland) 2022, item 1043.
Resolution of the Senate of the Republic of Poland of 12 January 2023 on the act amending the act on helping Ukrainian citizens with respect to armed conflict in their country, PDF file.
Resolution of the Senate of the Republic of Poland of 15 February 2023 on w sprawie upamiętnienia 160 rocznicy wybuchu Powstania Styczniowego, Monitor Polski (Official Gazette of the Government of the Republic of Poland) 2023, item 198.
Resolution of the Senate of the Republic of Poland of 21 February 2023 on the anniversary of the Russian aggression on Ukraine, Monitor Polski (Official Gazette of the Government of the Republic of Poland) 2023, item 233.
Resolution of the Senate of the Republic of Poland of 30 March 2023 condemning illegal deportation of Ukrainian children to Russia, Monitor Polski (Official Gazette of the Government of the Republic of Poland) 2023, item 350.
Resolution of the Senate of the Republic of Poland of 11 May 2023 on Ukrainian membership in NATO, Monitor Polski (Official Gazette of the Government of the Republic of Poland) 2023, item 516.
Internet sources
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Grodzki, T., Address to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on 25/03/2022, https://www.senat.gov.pl/aktualnoscilista/marszalek-i-prezydium/art,14633,wystapienie-marszalka-senatu-rp-przed-rada-najwyzsza-ukrainy.html (accessed on 26/05/2023).
Grodzki, T., Speech at the forum of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, 14/04/2022, https://www.senat.gov.pl/aktualnoscilista/marszalek-i-prezydium/art,14688,wystapienie-marszalka-senatu-rp-w-radzie-najwyzszej-ukrainy.html (accessed 26/05/2023).
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Polish Press Agency (PAP), Dispatch of 02/12/2022, https://www.pap.pl/aktualnosci/news%2C1497081%2Cdo-szefa-parlamentu-ukrainy-pisali-rosyjscy-prankerzy-podszywajacy-sie-pod (accessed on 26/05/2023).
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